Results for 'Marcella C. Cole'

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  1.  9
    Bio and research ethics:: issues, perspectives, and challenges of the 21st century.Marcella C. Cole (ed.) - 2017 - New York: Nova Science Publishers.
    As a scientific, materialist worldview becomes increasingly difficult to repudiate, and as philosophers increasingly uncover and articulate the conceptual nature of morality and distinctively moral normativity, the threat of moral anti-realism becomes more and more real. This perspective is argued in Chapter One. Chapter Two discusses how laws and bioethical trends that pertain to the clinical management of patients in a vegetative coma differ from country to country and continue to give rise to unresolved legal debates and scientific controversy. Chapter (...)
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    Response actions influence the categorization of directions in auditory space.Marcella C. C. Velten, Bettina E. Bläsing, Thomas Hermann, Constanze Vorwerg & Thomas Schack - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:147772.
    Spatial region concepts such as “front,” “back,” “left,” and “right” reflect our typical interaction with space, and the corresponding surrounding regions have different statuses in memory. We examined the representation of spatial directions in the auditory space, specifically in how far natural response actions, such as orientation movements toward a sound source, would affect the categorization of egocentric auditory space. While standing in the middle of a circle with 16 loudspeakers, participants were presented acoustic stimuli coming from the loudspeakers in (...)
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    Heart rate and disjunctive reaction time: The effects of discrimination requirements.Connie C. Duncan-Johnson & Michael G. Coles - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 103 (6):1160.
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    Mental states modulate gaze following, but not automatically.Gustav Kuhn, Ieva Vacaityte, Antonia D. C. D'Souza, Abbie C. Millett & Geoff G. Cole - 2018 - Cognition 180:1-9.
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    Ecological momentary assessment of the unique effects of trait worry on daily negative emotionality: does arousal matter?Alexandra M. Adamis, Sarah C. Jessup, David A. Cole & Bunmi O. Olatunji - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    Worry proneness is a transdiagnostic trait that predicts increased negative affect (NA), potentially in the service of preventing negative emotional contrasts. Although discrete types of NA vary along the dimension of arousal, the extent to which trait worry predicts high vs. low arousal forms of NA in daily life is unclear. This distinction has important implications for conceptualising how worry may perturb adaptive emotionality in various disorders. The present study (not pre-registered) aimed to isolate the effects of trait worry on (...)
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    A Prospective Longitudinal Study of Perceived Infant Outcomes at 18–24 Months: Neural and Psychological Correlates of Parental Thoughts and Actions Assessed during the First Month Postpartum. [REVIEW]Pilyoung Kim, Paola Rigo, James F. Leckman, Linda C. Mayes, Pamela M. Cole, Ruth Feldman & James E. Swain - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Ethics in Pharmacy Practice: A Practical Guide.Dennis M. Sullivan, Douglas C. Anderson & Justin W. Cole - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This textbook offers a unique and accessible approach to ethical decision-making for practicing pharmacists and student pharmacists. Unlike other texts, it gives clear guidance based on the fundamental principles of moral philosophy, explaining them in simple language and illustrating them with abundant clinical examples and case studies. The strength of this text is in its emphasis on normative ethics and critical thinking, and that there is truly a best answer in the vast majority of cases, no matter how complex. The (...)
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    From description to generalization, or there and back again.Kelsey L. West, Kasey C. Soska, Whitney G. Cole, Danyang Han, Justine E. Hoch, Christina M. Hospodar & Brianna E. Kaplan - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45.
    In his target article, Yarkoni prescribes descriptive research as a potential antidote for the generalizability crisis. In our commentary, we offer four guiding principles for conducting descriptive research that is generalizable and enduring: prioritize context over control; let naturalistic observations contextualize structured tasks; operationalize the target phenomena rigorously and transparently; and attend to individual data.
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    The hole in the universe: how scientists peered over the edge of emptiness and found everything.K. C. Cole - 2001 - New York: Harcourt.
    Welcome to the world of cutting-edge math, physics, and neuroscience, where the search for the ultimate vacuum, the point of nothingness, ground zero of theory, has rendered the universe deep, rich, and juicy. "Modern physics has animated the void," says K. C. Cole in her entrancing journey into the heart of Nothing. Every time scientists and mathematicians think they have reached the ultimate void, new stuff appears: a black hole, an undulating string, an additional dimension of space or time, (...)
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  10.  80
    An Abstract Status Function Account of Corporations.Julian C. Cole - 2012 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences (1):0048393112455106.
    In this article, I articulate and defend an account of corporations motivated by John Searle’s discussion of them in his Making the Social World. According to this account, corporations are abstract entities that are the products of status function Declarations. They are also connected with, though not reducible to, various people and certain of the power relations among them. Moreover, these connections are responsible for corporations having features that stereotypical abstract entities lack (e.g., the abilities to take actions and make (...)
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  11.  2
    Christian Guidance of the Social Instincts. A Survey of the Church Work for Social Purity, Etc.J. M. Cole & F. C. Bacon - 1928 - Faith Press.
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  12.  94
    Creativity, Freedom, and Authority: A New Perspective On the Metaphysics of Mathematics.Julian C. Cole - 2009 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 87 (4):589-608.
    I discuss a puzzle that shows there is a need to develop a new metaphysical interpretation of mathematical theories, because all well-known interpretations conflict with important aspects of mathematical activities. The new interpretation, I argue, must authenticate the ontological commitments of mathematical theories without curtailing mathematicians' freedom and authority to creatively introduce mathematical ontology during mathematical problem-solving. Further, I argue that these two constraints are best met by a metaphysical interpretation of mathematics that takes mathematical entities to be constitutively constructed (...)
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  13.  31
    Decision theory, the pigeon, and the psychophysical function.C. Alan Boneau & James L. Cole - 1967 - Psychological Review 74 (2):123-135.
  14.  25
    Jens Erik Fenstad.*Structures and Algorithms: Mathematics and the Nature of Knowledge.Julian C. Cole - 2023 - Philosophia Mathematica 31 (1):125-131.
    This book collects eight essays — written over multiple decades, for a general audience — that address Fenstad’s thoughts on the topics of what there is and how.
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  15. Social Construction, Mathematics, and the Collective Imposition of Function onto Reality.Julian C. Cole - 2015 - Erkenntnis 80 (6):1101-1124.
    Stereotypes of social construction suggest that the existence of social constructs is accidental and that such constructs have arbitrary and subjective features. In this paper, I explore a conception of social construction according to which it consists in the collective imposition of function onto reality and show that, according to this conception, these stereotypes are incorrect. In particular, I argue that the collective imposition of function onto reality is typically non-accidental and that the products of such imposition frequently have non-arbitrary (...)
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  16. Mathematical structuralism today.Julian C. Cole - 2010 - Philosophy Compass 5 (8):689-699.
    Two topics figure prominently in recent discussions of mathematical structuralism: challenges to the purported metaphysical insight provided by sui generis structuralism and the significance of category theory for understanding and articulating mathematical structuralism. This article presents an overview of central themes related to these topics.
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    Mathematical Domains: Social Constructs?Julian C. Cole - 2008 - In Bonnie Gold & Roger A. Simons (eds.), Proof and Other Dilemmas: Mathematics and Philosophy. Mathematical Association of America. pp. 109--128.
    I discuss social constructivism in the philosophy of mathematics and argue for a novel variety of social constructivism that I call Practice-Dependent Realism.
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  18. Towards an Institutional Account of the Objectivity, Necessity, and Atemporality of Mathematics.Julian C. Cole - 2013 - Philosophia Mathematica 21 (1):9-36.
    I contend that mathematical domains are freestanding institutional entities that, at least typically, are introduced to serve representational functions. In this paper, I outline an account of institutional reality and a supporting metaontological perspective that clarify the content of this thesis. I also argue that a philosophy of mathematics that has this thesis as its central tenet can account for the objectivity, necessity, and atemporality of mathematics.
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  19. Connections Between the Thermodynamics of Classical Electrodynamic Systems and Quantum Mechanical Systems for Quasielectrostatic Operations.Daniel C. Cole - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (12):1819-1847.
    The thermodynamic behavior is analyzed of a single classical charged particle in thermal equilibrium with classical electromagnetic thermal radiation, while electrostatically bound by a fixed charge distribution of opposite sign. A quasistatic displacement of this system in an applied electrostatic potential is investigated. Treating the system nonrelativistically, the change in internal energy, the work done, and the change in caloric entropy are all shown to be expressible in terms of averages involving the distribution of the position coordinates alone. A convenient (...)
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  20.  10
    Galton's data a century later.Ronald C. Johnson, Gerald E. McClearn, Sylvia Yuen, Craig T. Nagoshi, Frank M. Ahern & Robert E. Cole - 1985 - American Psychologist 40 (8):875-892.
    Analyzed F. Galton's data on the sensory, psychomotor, and physical attributes of 1,639 females and 4,849 males. The reliability of the measures, developmental trends in mean scores, correlations of the measures with age, correlations among measures, occupational differences in scores, and sibling correlations are described. Developmental trends during later childhood, adolescence, and early maturity are compared to those described in contemporary developmental psychological literature.
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  21.  41
    Alan Weir , Truth Through Proof: A Formalist Foundation for Mathematics . Reviewed by.Julian C. Cole - 2012 - Philosophy in Review 32 (6):529-532.
  22.  52
    Patenting medical and surgical techniques: An ethical-legal analysis.Stephen E. Wear, William H. Coles, Anthony H. Szczygiel, Adrianne McEvoy & Carl C. Pegels - 1998 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 23 (1):75 – 97.
    Considerable controversy has recently arisen regarding the patenting of medical and surgical processes in the United States. One such patent, viz. for a "chevron" incision used in ophthalmologic surgery, has especially occasioned heated response including a major, condemnatory ethics policy statement from the American Medical Association as well as federal legislation denying patent protection for most uses of a patented medical or surgical procedure. This article identifies and discusses the major legal, ethical and public policy considerations offered by proponents and (...)
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  23.  81
    Gila Sher. Epistemic Friction: An Essay on Knowledge, Truth, and Logic.Julian C. Cole - 2018 - Philosophia Mathematica 26 (1):136-148.
    © The Authors [2017]. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: [email protected] Sher believes that our basic epistemic situation — that we aim to gain knowledge of a highly complex world using our severely limited, yet highly resourceful, cognitive capacities — demands that all epistemic projects be undertaken within two broad constraints: epistemic freedom and epistemic friction. The former permits us to employ our cognitive resourcefulness fully while undertaking epistemic projects, while the latter requires that (...)
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  24.  76
    Cross-Term Conservation Relationships for Electromagnetic Energy, Linear Momentum, and Angular Momentum.Daniel C. Cole - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (11):1673-1693.
    Cross-term conservation relationships for electromagnetic energy, linear momentum, and angular momentum are derived and discussed here. When two or more sources of electromagnetic fields are present, these relationships connect the cross terms that appear in the traditional expressions for the electromagnetic (1) energy, (2) linear momentum, and (3) angular momentum, over to, respectively, (1) the sum of the rates of work, (2) the sum of the forces, and (3) the sum of the torques, that are due to the fields of (...)
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  25. Thermodynamics of Blackbody Radiation Via Classical Physics for Arbitrarily Shaped Cavities with Perfectly Conducting Walls.Daniel C. Cole - 2000 - Foundations of Physics 30 (11):1849-1867.
    An analysis is carried out involving reversible thermodynamic operations on arbitrarily shaped small cavities in perfectly conducting material. These operations consist of quasistatic deformations and displacements of cavity walls and objects within the cavity. This analysis necessarily involves the consideration of Casimir-like forces. Typically, even for the simplest of geometrical structures, such calculations become quite complex, as they need to take into account changes in singular quantities. Much of this complexity is reduced significantly here by working directly with the change (...)
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  26.  55
    Perceptions of business ethics: Students vs. business people. [REVIEW]Barbara C. Cole & Dennie L. Smith - 1996 - Journal of Business Ethics 15 (8):889 - 896.
    The purpose of this study was to assess the perceptions of business students and of business practitioners regarding ethics in business. A survey consisting of a series of brief ethical situations was completed by 537 senior business majors and 158 experienced business people. They responded to the situations, first, as they believed the typical business person would respond and, second, as they believed the ethical response would be.The results indicate that both students and business people perceived a significant gap between (...)
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  27.  52
    Littérature et histoire du christianisme ancien.Jeffery Aubin, Marie Chantal, Dianne M. Cole, Julio Cesar Dias Chaves, Cathelyne Duchesne, Christel Freu, Steve Johnston, Brice C. Jones, Amaury Levillayer, Stéphanie Machabée, Paul-Hubert Poirier, Philippe Therrien, Jonathan I. von Kodar, Martin Voyer, Jennifer K. Wees & Eric Crégheur - 2013 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 69 (2):327.
    Jeffery Aubin ,Marie Chantal ,Dianne Cole ,Julio Chaves ,Cathelyne Duchesne ,Christel Freu ,Steve Johnston ,Brice Jones ,Amaury Levillayer ,Stéphanie Machabée ,Paul-Hubert Poirier ,Philippe Therrien ,Jonathan von Kodar ,Martin Voyer ,Jennifer Wees ,Eric Crégheur.
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    Use of Statins by Medicare Beneficiaries Post Myocardial Infarction.Mary C. Schroeder, Jennifer G. Robinson, Cole G. Chapman & John M. Brooks - 2015 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 52:004695801557113.
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  29. An Abstract Status Function Account of Corporations.Julian C. Cole - 2014 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 44 (1):23-44.
    In this article, I articulate and defend an account of corporations motivated by John Searle’s discussion of them in his Making the Social World. According to this account, corporations are abstract entities that are the products of status function Declarations. They are also connected with, though not reducible to, various people and certain of the power relations among them. Moreover, these connections are responsible for corporations having features that stereotypical abstract entities lack (e.g., the abilities to take actions and make (...)
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  30. Art, Artists and Pedagogy.C. Naughton, G. Biesta & David R. Cole (eds.) - forthcoming - London, UK: Routledge.
    This volume has been brought together to generate new ideas and provoke discussion about what constitutes arts education in the twenty-first century, both within the institution and beyond. Art, Artists and Pedagogy is intended for educators who teach the arts from early childhood to tertiary level, artists working in the community, or those studying arts in education from undergraduate to Masters or PhD level.
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  31. Multidrug resistance mediated by the ATP-binding cassette transporter protein MRP.Susan P. C. Cole & Roger G. Deeley - 1998 - Bioessays 20 (11):931-940.
  32.  71
    Gianluigi Oliveri. A realist philosophy of mathematics. Texts in philosophy;.Julian C. Cole - 2008 - Philosophia Mathematica 16 (3):409-420.
    1.1 ContextIn the period following the demise of logicism, formalism, and intuitionism, contributors to the philosophy of mathematics have been divided. On the one hand, there are those who tend to focus on such issues as: Do mathematical entities exist? If so, what type of entities are they and how do we know about them? If not, how can we account for the role that mathematics plays in our everyday and scientific lives? Contributors to this school—let us call it the (...)
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  33.  18
    Some Preliminary Notes on the Objectivity of Mathematics.Julian C. Cole - 2022 - Topoi 42 (1):235-245.
    I respond to a challenge by Dieterle (Philos Math 18:311–328, 2010) that requires mathematical social constructivists to complete two tasks: (i) counter the myth that socially constructed contents lack objectivity and (ii) provide a plausible social constructivist account of the objectivity of mathematical contents. I defend three theses: (a) the collective agreements responsible for there being socially constructed contents differ in ways that account for such contents possessing varying levels of objectivity, (b) to varying extents, the truth values of objective, (...)
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    Completing pseudojump operators.R. Coles, R. Downey, C. Jockusch & G. LaForte - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 136 (3):297-333.
    We investigate operators which take a set X to a set relatively computably enumerable in and above X by studying which such sets X can be so mapped into the Turing degree of K. We introduce notions of nontriviality for such operators, and use these to study which additional properties can be required of sets which can be completed to the jump by given operators of this kind.
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    Classical electrodynamic systems interacting with classical electromagnetic random radiation.Daniel C. Cole - 1990 - Foundations of Physics 20 (2):225-240.
    In the past, a few researchers have presented arguments indicating that a statistical equilibrium state of classical charged particles necessarily demands the existence of a temperature-independent, incident classical electromagnetic random radiation. Indeed, when classical electromagnetic zero-point radiation is included in the analysis of problems with macroscopic boundaries, or in the analysis of charged particles in linear force fields, then good agreement with nature is obtained. In general, however, this agreement has not been found to hold for charged particles bound in (...)
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  36.  52
    Ethical Issues in New Drug Prescribing.Lindsay W. Cole, Jennifer C. Kesselheim & Aaron S. Kesselheim - 2012 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 9 (1):77-83.
    We use the format of a hypothetical case study to review issues related to pharmaceutical product approval and physician prescribing practices. In this case, a new FDA-approved drug is recommended for a patient who subsequently experiences an adverse event that may or may not be related to the prescription. This case raises a number of ethical and legal considerations physicians routinely face when deciding whether to recommend such drugs for their patients. Despite the need for ongoing observation by the regulatory (...)
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  37. Mathematical Platonism.Julian C. Cole - 2010 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  38.  11
    Doing Knowledge Transfer: Engaging Management and Labor with Research on Employee Health and Safety.Kenneth Leithwood, Donald C. Cole & Desre M. Kramer - 2004 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 24 (4):316-330.
    In workplace health interventions, engaging management and union decision makers is considered important for the success of the project, yet little research has described the process of making this happen. A case study of a knowledge-transfer process is presented to describe the practices and processes adopted by a knowledge broker who engaged workplace parties in discussions on research on physical and psychosocial factors important for employee health. The process included one-on-one interactions between the knowledge broker and individuals to explain the (...)
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  39.  17
    Behavioral and Neuroimaging Research on Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD): A Combined Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Recent Findings.Emily Subara-Zukic, Michael H. Cole, Thomas B. McGuckian, Bert Steenbergen, Dido Green, Bouwien C. M. Smits-Engelsman, Jessica M. Lust, Reza Abdollahipour, Erik Domellöf, Frederik J. A. Deconinck, Rainer Blank & Peter H. Wilson - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    AimThe neurocognitive basis of Developmental Coordination Disorder remains an issue of continued debate. This combined systematic review and meta-analysis provides a synthesis of recent experimental studies on the motor control, cognitive, and neural underpinnings of DCD.MethodsThe review included all published work conducted since September 2016 and up to April 2021. One-hundred papers with a DCD-Control comparison were included, with 1,374 effect sizes entered into a multi-level meta-analysis.ResultsThe most profound deficits were shown in: voluntary gaze control during movement; cognitive-motor integration; practice-/context-dependent (...)
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  40.  62
    Giovanni Sommaruga (ed.), Foundational Theories of Classical and Constructive Mathematics, Springer, The Western Ontario Series in Philosophy of Science, Vol. 76, 2011, pp. xi+314. ISBN 978-94-007-0430-5 (hardcover) US $139.00. [REVIEW]Julian C. Cole - 2012 - Studia Logica 100 (5):1047-1050.
  41.  43
    X.—Symposium: The Nature of the State in View of its External Relations.C. Delisle Burns, Bertrand Russell & G. D. H. Cole - 1916 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 16 (1):290-325.
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  42.  58
    Book Review: Jody Azzouni. Deflating Existential Consequence: A Case for Nominalism. [REVIEW]Julian C. Cole - 2005 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 46 (2):235-247.
  43. From Nothing to Everything. [REVIEW]M. C. Cole - 2022 - Mind 132 (v):98-103.
    Throughout the history, whenever humans encounter a phenomenon for which there was no explanation, a theory was proposed for it. Of course, not necessarily all the theories were purely scientific and many of them were non-scientific, pseudo- scientific, or at best were only slightly influenced by science. But one thing was in common among them: they all were trying to provide as deeper as possible explanations about how the universe works. Although today and in the modern era the exact meaning (...)
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  44.  26
    The Commons Debates of 1628Commons Debates.J. G. A. Pocock, Robert C. Johnson, Mary Frear Keeler, Maija Jansson Cole & William B. Bidwell - 1978 - Journal of the History of Ideas 39 (2):329.
  45.  76
    Inconsistent Mathematics.Category Theory.Closed Set Sheaves and Their Categories.Foundations: Provability, Truth and Sets. [REVIEW]Newton C. A. da Costa, Otavio Bueno, Chris Mortensen, Peter Lavers, William James & Joshua Cole - 1997 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 62 (2):683.
    Reviewed Works:Chris Mortensen, Inconsistent Mathematics.Chris Mortensen, Peter Lavers, Category Theory.William James, Closed Set Sheaves and Their Categories.Chris Mortensen, Joshua Cole, Foundations: Provability, Truth and Sets.
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    Comment on Laureys et al. Self-consciousness in non-communicative patients☆.Jonathan Cole - 2007 - Consciousness and Cognition 16 (3):742-745.
    Until comparatively recently, say the middle of the last century, spinal cord injury was fatal as pressure sores and other infections took their toll. Those with severe brain injuries, unable to move or even communicate, fared even worse; without movement or feeding such patients were nursed until nature took its course. Over the last few decades medical and nursing advances have enabled some of these vegetative patients to survive for considerable time, provoking, at times, ethical and legal dilemmas. Though they (...)
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    Health Research in Complex Emergencies: A Humanitarian Imperative. [REVIEW]John D. Pringle & Donald C. Cole - 2009 - Journal of Academic Ethics 7 (1-2):115-123.
    Health researchers, research trainees, and ethics reviewers should be prepared for the special application of research ethics within complex humanitarian emergencies. This paper argues that as a precursor to published ethical guidelines for conducting research in complex emergencies, researchers and research ethics committees should observe the following primary ethical considerations: (1) the research is not at the expense of humanitarian action; (2) the research is justified in that it is needs-driven and relevant to the affected populations; and (3) the research (...)
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  48. Fishers weigh in: benefits and risks of eating Great Lakes fish from the consumer’s perspective. [REVIEW]Jennifer Dawson, Judy Sheeshka, Donald C. Cole, David Kraft & Amy Waugh - 2008 - Agriculture and Human Values 25 (3):349-364.
    Three decades of concern over consumption of potentially contaminated Great Lakes fish has led government agencies and public health proponents to implement risk assessment and management programs as a means of protecting the health of fishers and their families. While well-meaning in their intent, these programs––and much of the research conducted to support and evaluate them––were not designed to accommodate the understandings and concerns of the fish consumer. Results from a qualitative component of a multi-disciplinary, multi-year research project on frequent (...)
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  49.  64
    Nonaddictive instrumental drug use: Theoretical strengths and weaknesses.Andrew J. Goudie, Matthew J. Gullo, Abigail K. Rose, Paul Christiansen, Jonathan C. Cole, Matt Field & Harry Sumnall - 2011 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 34 (6):314-315.
    The potential to instrumentalize drug use based upon the detection of very many different drug states undoubtedly exists, and such states may play a role in psychiatric and many other drug uses. Nevertheless, nonaddictive drug use is potentially more parsimoniously explained in terms of sensation seeking/impulsivity and drug expectations. Cultural factors also play a major role in nonaddictive drug use.
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    Reconciling the HEC-C and Clinical Ethics Fellowship Training Programs: Implications of the Baylor Experience.Cristie Cole Horsburgh & Joshua S. Crites - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (3):37-39.
    Volume 20, Issue 3, March 2020, Page 37-39.
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